Please note, all hats are sewn to individual customer order!

Other Countries

Kepi wyższego oficera francuskiego z 1840 r. (#137)

Kepi wyższego oficera francuskiego z okresu II Cesarstwa (Napoleon III).Kepi wprowadzono w armii fra..


American troops cap -replika (#83)

A replica of the US Army cap from World War IIgreen color, szewiot material,leather visor,leather sw..


Austro-Hungarian officer's cap (#221)

Austro-Hungarian officer's capWool materialCap sold with insigniaPossibility to choose the color of ..


Cap of the Norwegian troops (#250)

Norwegian Army Cap – Worn in Combat in 1940 This cap was part of the standard equipment of Norwegian..


Finnish Cap m 36 (#274)

Finnish Cap m 36Original military cap model M/36, used by the Finnish Armed Forces in the 1930s and ..


French Kepi Polo World War I (#242)

French Polo ShirtKepi pattern from World War I.versionsA - higher versionB - lower versionCap made o..


The American Forces forage from World War II (#110)

A furazer for US troops from World War IIMade of fabric -gabardine shade of greenCotton liningWe wil..


This is the war version of 1915/1916 (#157)

Austro-Hungarian cap M-1908The Austro-Hungarian Army field cap M-1908 is a faithful reproduction of ..

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)